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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 19%

Distinguished Reading: 7%

Proficient Math: 20%

Distinguished Math: 2%

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Danville Independent Schools

General Usage Procedures

Safety Procedures/Guidelines


Mission – To provide well a well-equipped and well-maintained theatre for the use of the
Danville Schools students and staff for arts-related activities and general educational opportunities. To extend facility usage, when possible, to non-profit community organizations. Facility usage by groups or individuals other than Danville Schools students and staff is based on the availability of the facility and trained personnel. Programming is limited to arts-related activities and events.
General Provisions
A. Scheduling – All activities or events must be scheduled by the Director of Arts Education, Danville High School Principal or Designee. Non-profit community groups must contact the above Personnel at least two weeks prior to the event. Outside organizations may contract to use the space for a maximum of seven consecutive days. Any previously scheduled Danville School events will take priority.

B. Damages – The organization using the facility will be fully responsible for damage or destruction of school property beyond normal wear and tear. A deposit in the amount of $250.00 is required. The using organization will be notified promptly of any damage and damages will be deducted from the deposit. The using organization will be notified of additional costs or receive a refund minus any damages within one week of the event.

C. Smoking – Smoking and other tobacco use are forbidden on Danville School property.

E. Immoral/Illegal Activity – No immoral or illegal activities shall be allowed on the premises of the Danville Schools.

F. Soft Drinks and Food – No organization will be allowed to sell or serve soft drinks or food unless permission is granted prior to the rental.

G. Supervision – In order to protect equipment and facility, a Danville Schools employee supervisor trained in the procedures of the Performing Arts Center (Production Manager/Technical Director), Director of Arts Education, Danville High School Principal or Designee must remain in the contracted area for the duration of the event. The organization using the facility must make arrangements for the front of
house management and backstage supervision and is responsible for supervising all participants appropriately as decided by the Director of Arts Education or Performing Arts Center Facility Manager.

H. Maintenance – The Danville Schools agree that all excess scenery and equipment will be removed from the performing area, adjacent wing, and cross-over space prior to the arrival of the renting organization. The stage will be swept and cleared of refuse and debris. It is the responsibility of the renting organization to remove all scenery, props, costumes, etc and to clean dressing rooms and stage area prior to the conclusion of their event. Depending on conflicting school events said organization may be required to do this during their rental period as well if the rental period extends longer than a twenty-four hour time period.


I. Insurance – The renting organizations and officers thereof shall name the school as an additional insured on the group’s insurance coverage, receiving contractual hold harmless and indemnification protection and requiring notice of cancellation of the outside group’s coverage.]


J. Agreement – The renting party shall not sublease or reassign any portion of the building or item of equipment covered by the rental contract.


Performing Arts Center Spaces Available to Rent
• THEATRE Rental includes use of backstage areas, 1 dressing room, 1 small green room, 2 restrooms, use of lobby, and public restrooms adjacent to lobby. Please note that the services of qualified theatre technicians are additional.
Rental Includes:
• Set lift (front of stage) at the desired level
• General house lighting
• Work lights on stage
• Podium
• 660 seat theatre
• 50 straight black chairs (if outside of school day)
• 25 Music Stands (if outside of school day)
• Choir risers
• Two 4’ tables
• Ground Plan
• Technical Rider
• Use of available fly lines under supervision
Additional Services and Equipment
• Grand Piano
• Portable Electric Keyboard
• Use of theatre lighting with technician - see personnel costs

We will provide a general lighting plot. Specials needs may be accommodated with a minimum of 1-week advance notice. Changes to the general plot will require rehearsal time with the lighting technician.

• Follow Spot Operator may require additional personnel costs
• Use of sound system with technician - see personnel costs
Dual Cassette Deck
CD Player
Can plug IPOD, MP3 or computer into soundboard for recorded sound
4 Wireless Lapel Microphones
3 Wireless Hand Held Microphones
2 Corded Microphones
5 microphone stands
• Theatre Technician
A Danville Schools theatre technician must be present during set-up and event. See Gravely Hall Rental Agreement for personnel costs

Danville Schools theatre technician and custodian must be present during events. See Gravely Hall Rental Agreement for costs and time requirements.