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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 19%

Distinguished Reading: 7%

Proficient Math: 20%

Distinguished Math: 2%

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Danville Independent Schools

Test Prep Information


CERT (College Equipped Readiness Tool)- All students have access to a CERT account (College Equipped Readiness Tool).  Up to three times per school year, each student will take an ACT-like assessment through CERT.  The results help determine your strengths and weaknesses with regard to the standards in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science.  CERT offers access to educational videos that explain answers, review important subject matter, and offer sensible test-taking advice.  It is highly encouraged that students use this free online resource in preparation for the ACT.


Test Prep from ACT and Sample Test from ACT- Practice ACT test questions, testing tips, strategies, optional writing test, what to expect on test day and test descriptions.


ACT Online test preparation course (free)- This website provides a customized course that provides personal tutoring, with immediate feedback on every incorrect answer and practice sessions. It automatically adapts to your personal skill level and can even remind you via e-mail of what's best to study next. The tutorial teaches you how to approach each kind of question, lets you practice questions at your own pace, and monitors your progress. Unlike some other test prep offerings, you don't need to take a lengthy diagnostic test to start.


ACT Problem-Solving Videos- Watch an ACT coach use step-by-step strategies to solve different kinds of ACT problems.


ACT Test Prep (Free)-'s online test preparation courses are totally free! By creating an account you can access a customized course that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that dynamically adapt to each student's ability level, a vocabulary builder, and more.


Emails of ACT Questions- Daily emails of ACT test questions: This website offers free practice modules to help you with the ACT exams and daily emails of test questions:


Guidance Office Resources- "Preparing for the ACT" booklet which has a full length practice test with answers. 


Library Resources- The students can check out many resources from the DHS and public libraries to prepare for the ACT, including The Real ACT Prep Guide, Cracking the ACT, and Inside the ACT. In addition, free test prep is available through the Kentucky Virtual Library. Visit the school library to get the username and password to access practice tests at home. 


Other ACT Resources

ACT Parent Newsletter

Benchmarks: (EXPLORE,PLAN,ACT)

Description of ACT Test



Khan Academy SAT Practice- FREE practice that is personalized to you. Khan Academy will create a tailored practice plan for you based on a diagnostic or your SAT or PSAT/NMSQT® scores. There are 8 full-length, real practice tests and content created in partnership with College Board, and thousands of practice questions, videos, lessons, and hints plus study and test-taking tips and strategies. Get constant feedback and progress so you know where you stand. 
